Saturday, September 29, 2012

More blah blah.

I'm going 'home' for our family reunion. I bought the tickets and little Ezzy baby will be going with me of course. I'm excited to see everyone and bought some new clothes for it and everything. :) And I got a new RS that I want to take with me for wearing him at the reunion, football game and in the airport. I'm renting a car so I'll even have my own wheels. This is really making my month (it's in October). I guess I also start getting paid at my 'job' (haha) for this month AND Halloween is of my fav holidays cuz it's all about the candy, mmhmm.

About Ezra, I did something bad. I totally need to turn in my Mommy card for it. ;) Here is my guilty confession: I didn't want to start Ezra on solids til 6 months as is recommended. Weeelll, I had this avocado..yes, this is a story of a teasing, tempting avocado. It was organic and right there.....SO I cut off a piece and gave it to him a few days ago (he'll be 6 months on the 3rd) and he wouldn't eat it, haha. He mashed it in his hands, then cried cuz his hands were messy so I cleaned him up. I mean the boy who puts everything in his mouth wouldn't put an avocado in there. I am doing BLW (baby led weaning) or as I prefer to call it BLS (Baby Led Solids) which is just a fancy way of saying I'm not giving him baby food. :) No purees. Just things from the table or whole fruits and veggies steamed or softened if needed. He will feed himself. I won't poke things in his mouth. My breast milk is plenty enough for him right now.

I talked to the Babywearing Institute and they are willing to start taking payments for my classes I want to take to become a CBE (Certified Babywearing Expert). I have a good start to a babywearing library. I have some books like New Active Birth and The Birth Partner that I am contributing to Kyria's lending library. She is about half way to her LLL leader goal. I hope she gets one started soon and I'm doing everything I can to encourage and help her. She has another placenta to encapsulate soon so I have agreed to keep her little girl. I feel a little bit better about it now that I don't think she's crazy or a 'user', lol. I did not know that to become a IBCLC that you must be a LLL leader for 2 years among lots of other qualifications. That's crazy. That's serious commitment. I would totally have loved to but having waited til baby #4 to figure out how wonderful bfing is.....I just don't think I can. If I knew I would have another baby (fat chance) then I would totally do what I could to get started on that journey. I do hope to babywear for years to come...and then wear my grandkids when the time comes. ;)

This blog was just to say some things that have been on my mind.

Now I need to go fix dinner. Blech.

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