Monday, September 10, 2012


I was featured on on FB. I sent her 4 of my pictures from bfing in my wrap and she picked two and made this. I also sent the four pics to "Respect the Breast" and "The Skeptical Mother". I was overwhelmed with the positive replies and shares for the most part. I was honestly expecting MORE negative ones. The kellymom rep even said that I should expect the ignorant (she didn't use that word but we both know...) replies like 'she's showing too much breast' blah blah. I told her that was ok. I am a pretty secure person. Sometimes too secure. No, I didn't say that last sentence but it's true. I got over 1000 likes, almost 40 shares and over 100 comments. *blissful sigh* Honestly this helps me even more to feel no shame. I was disappointed that not ONE SINGLE FAMILY member supported me by liking the photo or commenting. I was disappointed though not surprised. They are notorious formula feeders who wish I would cover up more. I'm sure my Mom is cringing every time she passes this pic in my newsfeed and I can't say that doesn't make me a little bit happy. Take that Momma! Nursing cover, whhaaaaat? I'll show my boob to the entire internet, what what. NOW let's talk about what I need to cover. HA. was instrumental INSTRUMENTAL in my bfing success. She is the go-to online source. I have such admiration for her site. Her site, my online support group, the books I read and the lactation consultant were instrumental. Supply  and demand. Supply and demand. Supply and demand. I just had to keep saying it. Even now I have to say to myself "all that matters is diaper count" and just keep repeating. We have it so ingrained in us to distrust our bodies and our breasts. God knows how we thought we made it this far on just the boob juice. I got amazing support for this photo and my other bfing post in my online community. Those ladies really know how to make a girl feel special. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't see bfing as so normal. I'm so tired tonight. Perhaps I can elaborate on how I feel tomorrow. If I had to pick a word I'd go with 'euphoric'. It feels nice to accomplish a goal you set for yourself.
I showed the kids my online support for my photo and they were blown away too. They think I'm pretty damn awesome. The whole internet can admire me and that's a drop in the bucket to what it feels like to impress my kids. :))

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