Sunday, September 16, 2012

Confessions of a Cloth Diaper snob

I haven't bought sposies in several months. I cloth diapered when I drove across the country to Texas and my whole two week visit there and my drive back. I do not own a 'back up' supply of sposies. The only time I would use sposies is in the case of a virus (that involves diarrhea), a yeast infection (getting yeast out of diapers are things bad dreams are made of) or he was prescribed an antibiotic that has the side effect of diarrhea. Should any of these happen then I'll run get sposies...other than that, I LIKE not having to buy them. Some people (even LONG term cloth diaperers) are scared to do what I do. To live without a 'back up' but I'm not scared. It so EASY. I don't know why you wouldn't. And I never hardly have leaks..even at night!

I'm becoming quite the CD snob, seriously. Someone who uses sposies at night or for, I'm like WOOSE. Someone who has to always have the back up when out and about, WOOSE. And then there are the hardcore cloth addicts and those 'commercial' brand people. If you only buy commercial then you have NO idea what your missing. Oh, or the hybrid people who have the flushable inserts (still sposeing I think!). Then there is the people who only use prefolds because they have no idea how great the other styles are. Or the only pocket user because that works for them. I am (lately) totally a fitted/AI2 snob. The fitted world is highly competitive right now and expensive and SO CUTE and fantastic because a well made fitted does not require a cover AND does not use PUL so it's very environmentally friendly. I also dig prefolds but I have yet to find one that I don't need a cover for so PUL. I am also working to be as environmentally friendly as possible and fitteds are fitting in with that. :)

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