Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Just a Vent.

I sold one of my friends some clothes and because she is my friend and because she sorta made me feel shitty about pricing things too high, I gave her a good deal. I see on a swap (that she may not know I am on) that she is selling some of the clothes....which is fine. She may have got them home, tried them on her daughter and they didn't work for whatever reason BUUUT she's selling them for MORE than I sold them to her! I don't remember EXACTLY what I priced everything but there was this one Easter dress in particular that I remember I charged her 5 bucks and she's charging 8. It's not the money of the thing. It's really the principle. I am trying to let it go and not be petty but I keep seeing it in my newsfeed and getting p.o.ed all over again.

Zen Ginger. Calm Ginger. Think happy thoughts Ginger.

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