Sunday, June 14, 2009

Alot about Nothing.

Well, I feel obligated to write a blog since it's been so long and it's late at night which I find to be the worst time to write in my blog but the time when I seem to want to write a blog the most.

Well, we'll start with current events:
I had the baby. Sophie. She's doing well. She's growing. I feel guilty about how much of my time she seems to be taking from the other girls but I hope this doesn't last long. Hopefully she will start sleeping more soon and be less needy. I had my 6 week check-up with the doc. I got the A-ok so my health is fine. The girls see the dentist next month. I need to make Foy and I an appt. My mom is here visiting with my brothers and the weather has sucked the whole time. I am SO over this sucky weather! Kylie is playing softball but both her games have been canceled so far. We're hoping for better weather tomorrow. She starts school on Sept. 8th. I'm trying not to think about it. The first of my children to leave me for a full day of school. I'm excited, scared, nervous for her. Life is fixin' to hit in a big way. We are makin' a visit home to show off the baby the end of August. I'm looking forward to it. Other than that, there is not much going on....

You ever feel like you might have had an epiphany that you should have paid more attention to but somehow you missed the point or forgot the point. It sort of like that feeling that your forgetting something but you don't know what it is...