Thursday, March 14, 2013

My 1st Grader Quit School

I don't think I've written (pardon my amnesia if I have) about our new homeschool/unschool adventure.

I really write it that way so it looks like I'm not committed to unschooling and so people won't question me. People always ask lots of questions when you say unschool. I don't like questions.

I also say it because it's less scary for me. I haven't really gotten around to looking for a curriculum since my 1st grader decided to quit school a couple months ago. Lazy parenting FTW.

It was becoming such a dramatic ordeal to send her to school. She didn't want to get up. She didn't want to get dressed. She didn't want to go to school. I was certain that her stomach pains and random vomiting (that seemed worse on Sunday night) had something to do with anxiety about school. Sure enough once we decided she wasn't going anymore the stomach pains have disappeared and no more anxiety vomiting. It just happened one morning. I was going to drop her off and she burst into tears. She didn't want to go. I said SCREW IT, we're done. Let's go home. You don't have to do this. I don't have to do this. We are a 'letter of intent to homeschool' only state  PLUS our compulsory attendance law says she doesn't have to attend til the school year where she is 7 when school starts....which wasn't 1st grade. I went ahead and filed the letter though just to cover my ass with the school district, her school and I told them she was checking out. We went by her class and told her friends and teacher GOODBYE. Lexie never hesitated, never cried, and has never once regretted her decision.

I won't lie. I was scared and still am. I was fearful of having THREE kids home all day (my 3rd grader still goes to public school). They were gonna drive me nuts right? This was gonna be HARD but I would be ok. Never could be farther from the truth. My Lexie is a different child. She is easier to talk to, happier, more talkative, and bright.

I not only feared that. I fear she isn't doing what she should..she isn't learning enough. What if she's behind? What if she can't go to college? What if she never learns to read any better than she does now? *cue panic*

We're just going one day at a time. We go to the library. We talk. We go to the park. We do LOTS of crafts because that's her favorite. We just have fun. I hope we figure it out....or she figures it out...or I do ...or something.