Sunday, September 9, 2012


I got my Didy. I've been trying to get him in a successful back carry and I am just not getting it. I tried on my bed and in front of the mirror. He wiggles too much, straightens his legs and gets irritated with me. I'm not done trying but I need Foy to help me. I've watched a ton of videos already. I WILL PREVAIL. I did wear him in the front just to introduce him to the new wrap. He was getting tired of me trying a back carry and honestly I just wanted to be successful at something and I know I can front carry in FWCC so I did.

Pardon how I look like crap, this is Ezra in a FWCC.  (front wrap cross carry)

From the side. 


Me and the kids. <3 bling="bling" checking="checking" ezra="ezra" from="from" his="his" is="is" jewelry.="jewelry." life.="life." loves="loves" mom="mom" my="my" new="new" out="out" smart="smart" td="td" teething="teething">

Just for fun, this is me in the Mei Tai. I have started using it around the house quite a bit. I hope to use it on my back soon. 

Breastfeeding in a size 8 Didymos Aqua Waves woven wrap with size M cups. That's right, they DO make cups that big! It can be done! I am proof. It may not be pretty or very discreet, lol but it can be done. And if we were in public I could throw my cover over or just something over my boob and not over him cuz he isn't loving a cover. I was just so happy I could do it. Don't mind the bitten lip, lol. That me concentrating on the pic.
When I was trying to take a pic of me nursing in the wrap, Ezra caught a glimpse of himself in the phone. He loves to look at his own face which is funny. I told his Dad that he not only looks like him but acts like him. So vain! lol. In love with his own face. I love his face too. :)

He was loving the wrap and loving outside. He's my sweet sugar. 

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