Saturday, December 22, 2012

"...avoiding negative interactions.."

My uncle recently updated his status with this. I have a lot to say about it but my brain is sorta fried after a long day so I'll say it tomorrow but I wanted to copy and paste it her while I was thinking about it.

Recently, events in my life have caused me to reflect on what my family really means to me. 
I have a very diverse family that is hard to fit into a description, but the following characteristics qualify the membership.
1. We love one another, unconditionally, with a love that surpasses blood, sex or friendship.
2. We trust one another, unconditionally, with our children, our finances, our secrets, our dreams and goals, our bodies, our hearts and our lives.
3. We respect one another, unconditionally, although we don’t necessarily agree on everything.
4. We support one another, to the point that we would die for another.
5. We help one another in need, although “tough love” is what is necessary at times.
6. We encourage one another, avoiding negative interaction that may damage the family.
7. We honor one another, even in unspoken ways, and do not micro-manage or manipulate others.
8. We pray for one another.

We don’t have to see eye-to-eye on everything, including:
• Education
• Career
• Politics
• Religion
• Marriage
• Life Style
And we don’t put stipulations, in regards to these differences, to gain or maintain membership in the family…and we don’t revoke membership even though some family members may deny themselves the privileges of membership by refusing to allow the family to provide all eight qualifiers. Even if, by their actions, we are not allowed to trust, respect, support, help, encourage or honor a member, we can still love them and pray for them.

This is my family. Is this yours?
I thank God for mine."

My first problem is with the phrase 'qualify the membership'. UH, family is family. This isn't a club, no membership required. There are no 'qualifiers'. You just are. #6 is where I have a serious parting of the ways.."avoiding negative interaction that may damage the family". I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit on that on SOO many levels. The key word that jumps out to me in that phrase is "avoid" because that's what they do. They wear little blinders and only see the happy. They refuse to listen to any problem you might have with them because that would be a "negative interaction" *huge eye roll*

....more later. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Post be gone!

I'm only writing a new blog so the last one can disappear as being the last post. I'm so gullible. I always think people are nicer than they really are.

I'm so excited about the pottery the kids painted the other day. Irish has picked it up and I'm meeting up with her and Kristen to get it today. Kristen and I had lunch yesterday and then went shopping at the mall.

I bought another wrap! :o This officially puts me over the edge and I have to sell a couple/few things. I am listing my Girasol Romantique Ring Sling size Large converted by SBP for 100$ on the swap later if no one on my page picks it up.

Right after I listed it I wanted to take it down! I can't stand selling one of my pretties and it has such beautiful girly colors. Siiiigh. :( 

I bought tickets to Mommy-Con in Las Vegas. I'm SO pumped about going. I've never stayed in Vegas and it's right on the Strip plus I will get to hear people speak and learn more about what I'm passionate about lately. I'll go ahead and say it, (because I need the pick me up) I ROCK. 

The wrap I bought (the latest one) will be Ezra's legacy wrap. It's dragons and as Kristen pointed out yesterday, him and Allison were born in the year of the Dragon, water dragon to be exact. Here is a little snippet of it. I LOVE the gold but since they are water dragons I'm wondering if maybe I should look to trade for a different a blueish greenish color. The year of the Dragon comes around every 12 years but the Water Dragons only come around every 60 years. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tentative Me and Making a Flyer

I almost messaged you. I just don't know where we stand. I don't know if 'liking' something means we're suddenly gonna be acquaintances again. I don't know the 'rules' here. It's much easier when you just say what you mean. I don't like the communication issues when people aren't clear. Foy and I are always winding up in an argument because someone didn't just SAY what they meant. I don't want to offend you by not saying hi when I see you about but nor do I want to be rejected. I don't like being hurt because I do care. I can only be hurt when I genuinely care. I don't want you to feel rejected though if what you are doing is trying to reach out in your own way. I have no idea if you read this (someone does) but felt more comfortable saying it here. I'm always more comfortable here.  I would like to attempt to be friends again if that's possible.

On another note, for those who don't know what I'm talking about, I can't figure out how to make flyers with the damn Mac for this cloth diaper class! It's pissing me off. I want to get the word out on my own in addition to whatever the library does. I tried just essentially what is a word document but the pics were either too big or too little plus I'd like to just cut the image out instead of have a 4x6 complete photo. UGH, I'm this close to just finding someone to pay to make one.

I have a few things left to buy for Christmas. I want to order Ezra some more baby legs. We use those a lot to prevent carpet burn, make diaper changes easier, keep his legs warm in a comfy way....

Kylie is getting a Kindle FOR READING ONLY. Lexie is getting a grownup beautiful jewelry box. Sophie....I haven't decided on something big for her yet. I know, I know..I'm running out of time. She hasn't really asked for much. OH, the kids are also getting some grownup 2-way radios. They are gonna love them and I think they are cool too. I consider them a need since the whole family will get use out of them. We got a 3 pack. I think they are Motorola. Also, all the kids together are getting this thing from little passports. I got the USA edition. We already got our first package but I haven't opened it yet. I'm going to wrap it and put all their names on it. We got a year membership so it's something we'll get all year long! I'm so excited.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

PAXbaby Giveaway

HERE  you can enter PAXbaby's giveaway! I want one of the pretty rainbows or the many other things they are giving. I'm only sad I'm just finding out about it now. Well, here's to winning with only one enter or two. :) You should 'like' them on Facebook and enter to win too!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I finally ordered cards.......and more.

I know. I'm lame. I even made a car magnet when I ordered free business cards. Lame. Lame. Lame.

I never pretended I don't have dorkish qualities and get overexcited about almost everything.

Kylie's teacher said she never met a more enthusiastic student. Well, meet Kylie's mom who speaks in exclamation marks and is just a large excited child most of the time. :)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

I'm a tenacious biotch. :)

I forgot to add to the last blog that I did the half JBC w/ CCCB again and this time was much more successful. He was tighter and higher which is more comfortable. I wish the second pass had been a bit higher (and he had been just a little higher) but still I was pretty fast and I'm getting better. This was also with a wrap much too long for this carry, should have seen how much I had left over. My 5 is perfect for this but I had the 8 in the house from my walk with Kristen so I used it. This is Aqua Waves Didymos. 

I guess I feel this was terribly successful because he was actually in a good mood and didn't start crying while I was trying to figure it all out. I was quick and he was happy. :)

OH and I took this pic with my new camera lense. I broke my other one so I bought a new one. This is 55-200 one. It takes good pics though. :)

More Inner Monologue

Let's see..mostly what's on my mind today is how I just bought TWO Oscha's! I'm so excited but at the same time I feel super guilty for spending the money on myself/more wraps. I got this beautiful Tangerine Dream. I love the colors...just not in love with the fact that it's a RS. I'd prefer a wrap but I did hear the Oscha shoulder was nice. Guess I'll see.

Tangerine Dream is dreamy!

I also bought a wrap today. I love the color. I saw a pic of it in the sun and fell in love, deep, deep love.

Partly I feel guilty because......siiigh, there is this little boy named Levi. He's the same age as Ezra. He's the nephew of a girl I went to high school with. He's very sick. Very sick. He has leukemia. He's doing chemo. He's so sick. He can't eat, he's still receiving he has sepsis (or is it in sepsis?). They are asking for donations for hotel rooms for her family or even just items like diapers, bibs, pj's and toys or books. I am sending him something but think how much more I could have spent if I hadn't bought these wraps. Honestly, I feel like shit! I feel bad for wanting the wraps and I considered auctioning them off and giving them the money but I really want these wraps..I really want them..and that makes me feel worse. I feel like a crappy person. I may never enjoy these wraps. :'( His name is Levi and here is his page.

I am still enjoying Kristen. We took a walk earlier this week and I'm thinking I'll have her over to my messy house next week. I'm also excited about our trip to this pottery ceramic place in GR with Irish next week. I don't know if I've mentioned Irish but she is very nice too...and I love her name. She is not quite as 'crunchy' (for lack of a better word) as Kyria and Kristen but she is a little. She is a huge breastfeeding advocate and she wants to get certified as a car seat safety instructor. She's very passionate about it. Her birth knowledge could be improved. The other day she was chatting with me about planning her induction. She's TTC. She is interested in cloth diapering and I'm trying to improve her babywearing. She has wore facing out (not good) and in some not so great carriers. Anyways, I want the kids to make an ornament for our tree and maybe something else. Who knows. It just sounds like a lot of fun and I think all the kids will enjoy it. I invited Kristen too. Irish has two boys ages 18 months and 3. Their names are Miles and Sawyer. I love both those names. I considered Miles for Ezra. It was on my short list. 

The diaper class is coming along. I have a rough draft outline of what I want to cover. Here, I'll paste it. 

"Why should I cloth diaper?

  -save money!
    *resale value

  -better for your baby
    *chemicals in disposables

  -environmental benefits

  -cuteness factor

Types of Cloth Diapers








Closure Options





Fibers for inserts




Washing Cloth Diapers

  -laundry detergent


  -diaper sprayer

    *line dry
    *short dryer cycle for covers, pockets
    *longer dryer cycles for fitteds, AIOs, AI2s, prefolds, flats or inserts

  -wet bags

  -pail liners

  -how to care for wool

  -cloth wipes

  -wipe solution

  -cloth diaper safe creams


Cloth Diaper Myths

  -What ABOUT the poop?

  -Are they REALLY clean?

  -What about the water I use? Is it really cheaper?


  -make a diaper sprayer

  -make your own diapers/covers 

  -ANYTHING can be an insert

  -make your own detergent

  -make your own cloth wipes

  -make your own wipe solution

Glossary of Acronyms and Commonly Used Words

I will be adding and taking away. I know I have more acronyms for sure. This was just a quick draft I come up with. I'm afraid this is too much stuff, perhaps I could simplify. I also told him the ideas for the name and what title 'won' in the votes. I told him about a few brands and that he should purchase from cotton babies if he wants commercial for the diapers he's buying to giveaway. I need to order a few things I want to cover at the class. I haven't gotten a diaper sprayer yet. I need one anyways and then I can bring it to show at the class. I also have been thinking of buying some flushable liners. I might get some just for the class and if I don't use them then I can always sell them. Ezra is still only pooping about every 3 days. He has so few solids it really hasn't changed. 

Today it snowed. I'm glad. We've been snowless for too long. 

The Motherlove page is coming along. That reminds me I need to order cards. I let Kristen borrow my Maya Wrap RS and she said she had some many compliments on it. I want to give her some cards so she can direct people who are interested in babywearing, etc to the page. I want to answer questions and let people borrow stuff. :) I saw a woman bfing with a cover at the library...sure enough I had left all my 'thank you for breastfeeding in public' cards in the car but I went over to talk to her anyways. I told her about the hopefully pending meeting in January. Of course, she doesn't have a FB (weird) but I told her I will try to make sure a flier gets posted at the library. I should tell Kyria she needs to let College Hill know too. If we could get all those new bfing Mothers and support them that would be great. 

Christmas presents are rolling in. I wish I could afford the time and money to be a more conscientious shopper. I bought from Amazon a lot. : / I let the girls make a list with 'want,need, wear and read'. I did buy them more than one thing for each category and went a LIIIIITTLE overboard but I wouldn't be me if I didn't. ;) I did buy mostly crafty things though.

I got Kylie this 'Wreck It journal". I showed her the one I'm giving Caden just to see what she would say...and she begged for one so I totally picked the right thing. I kinda want one, lol. They look fun. They caught my eye when I was looking around Hastings. I bought quite a few things from there. They have a big Melissa & Doug selection. I did here they have outsourced to China though. : / I bought Ezra quite a few 'green' toys. Some Haba and Begin Again. I need to get to yesterday.