Sunday, November 23, 2008

Blissed Out!

For those of you that don't know, Myspace has a place where you can update your current status and mood. I find my cursor pausing on "calm" more than anything. I think this says something significant about me. I'm usually calm. I tend not to worry or get overly excited. I'm very chilled out with my kids, friends, my hubs, and family. I tend not to let things freak me out or make me crazy. I just cruise along. You'd probably think I was on some kind of mood altering drug sometimes if you knew me well or you might just think that I happen to be one of the most blissed out people you know and the latter would be correct. Simple things make me happy. A good healthy dinner that I made for my whole family that tasted very good, a hot shower, a good nights sleep, a hug from my kids, a backrub from my hubby, a comment on my myspace, a day trip for lunch to's the simple things in life that make me happy. I don't need the big things because I find bliss in the small ones and THAT is where it's AT!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Don't believe everything you see/read! They LIE!

You know what I'm tired of...people letting their fav tv stars, the media, the internet or anyone/anything else tell them what to buy, how to look or who to vote for. I mean look how many psycho tv stars and rock stars are out there. I mean it's ok to let these people entertain you but to let them sway your vote..well, you'd be an idiot to let them sway your vote. Get your own opinions people and remember everyone has an agenda so make sure your getting ALL of the correct information before you make a decision. The media is suppose to be so unbiased and I felt like all I was getting through the whole election campaign was some tv anchor or tv stations water-downed ideas of who I was suppose to vote for.

And while we're on the subject (well, I am), I hate when I click on myspace home page and there is some ad that's suppose to tell Heidi Klum's BIG secret to staying thin. I mean, wtf. I know the big secret. She's genetically predisposed to goddess like proportions and she has a whole team of stylist, hairdressers and fitness experts to make sure she keeps in shape. Not to mention how she probably starves herself and never quits dieting because after all her entire lifestyle depends on how good she looks. I mean if we all had this kind of support system we'd all be thin too. Or maybe all we need is to have just the right magazine editor to do all the right air brushing. I mean, PULEASE! Spare me these articles and put something that I'm genuinely interested in or that's TRUE at least.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What looks like CRAZY on an ordinary day....

Well, I just finished reading another book. I think it's called "The story of Edgar Sawtelle." It's the latest on Oprah's Book Club list. I will not be adding it to my "must read" list even though it was a very good book...up until the end. I hate sad, bad endings. I guess no matter how much I like to think of myself as a realistic person that knows that sometimes life doesn't always have a happy ending I really need happy endings in my books. Maybe BECAUSE life is so unpredictable and senseless I need that upbeat ending so I have hope. Hope is important. Without hope, pessimism would overtake me and I'm afraid I would be even harder to live with.

I also read another book which I will not be adding to my "must reads" even though I liked it a lot better. There were a couple of lines in it that rang true to me and made me pause. When a line in a book can make me pause I like to make note of it.

"Joyce is that kind of a gal. Inertia is death. Forward motion is everything." What Looks Like Crazy on an ordinary day...By Pearl Cleage.

I like to think that describes me as well. I'm always looking for the way to move forward.

I also liked this line from the same book.
"And we danced too wild, and we sang too long, and we hugged too hard, and kissed too sweet, and threw back our heads and howled, just as loud as we wanted to howl, because by now we were all old enough to know that what looks like crazy on an ordinary day looks a lot like love if you catch it in the moonlight."

That was the last line of the book. Now THAT'S the way to end a book or a life or a story or a party. It's just a GREAT ending.