Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Who NEEDS "face time"?!?

Well,I'm in Texas and my MIL finally got internet access so once again I am connected via the world wide web. Ahh, that feels good. I like being connected. Nothing like feeling connected to the world by sitting down in front of my computer screen in the privacy of my own home. I don't know what all this hoopla about "face time" is about. I like staying connected through phone, texts, email, mail, computers, blogs and websites. It's like getting info real time almost without even being there. Ah, the marvel of modern technology.

Well, I'm still pregnant and still pretty much miserable and well, like Forest Gump so eloquently put it "that's all I gotta say about that."

I've had some really good ideas for blogs since I've been on vacation but like most good things, they were fleeting. I should have wrote them down while I had the chance.

One thing I did want to mention--completely randomly--is that "skin on skin" has to be one of the sexiest phrases I've ever heard. I just love that song (I know it's kinda "old" now) "I need you" by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. And when she wants to lie beside him "skin on skin" ..that's hot. I think it's worth mentioning how his needs are about what he would do without her, how his life would not be as full or meaningful and her needs are about what she wants to do with him. I guess there are two sides to needing someone. Needing them to keep you straight and just needing them to be there for you and with you. It rings true as a love song. Need is a powerful thing and to say you need someone, well, that means something. At least to me it does. A need is simply something or in this case someone you can't live without. We all have wants but our needs are slim if you think about it. And if you can find someone in life that will fit in your need category..well, you better hold on because NEED is a powerful thing.