Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's been awhile since I blogged. Too busy living life to write about it. Life is taking up all my time. I've been going through something...not sure what it is but with 30 looming around the corner...I've been distracted, moody, up and down,...riding the roller coaster of life. I mean my marriage is in better shape than ever. My kids are happy. It's just something within myself. Something I've been trying to keep to myself. I'm not unhappy just feeling restless. I've been spending some time with the 'what ifs' of life and I'm finding that the life I have now is the best one I could have had. I've contacted and spoke to old acquaintances, boyfriends, friends, lovers...Just spending some time in the past which isn't like me. I'm usually one to always look to the future. I guess turning 30 has made me turn backwards. I've been considering a tattoo...spending time reliving the 'glory days' of old..I guess turning 30 is doing a number on me which I totally expected. Sometimes it seems this phase of my life (whatever it is) has passed and other times it feels like I'm dead center in the middle of it. Maybe I need a change..not a big one if a little one would do. I don't know anymore..I just don't know..