Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sometimes a duck is just a duck.

First I'd just like to get it off my number one annoyance with Facebook today. People who can't decide if they are single or not and feel the need to Fb any change in such ASAP. There's a "friend" (air quotes around that word are not good) who is always airing his dirty laundry and relationship status via Fb ALL THE TIME and it's always changing. MAYBE and I'm not even thinking outside the box here...he should make a final choice, give it two weeks...and then two more weeks..before he post any changes again. OH and also super annoying is his "luving 'his significant others name here' and the kiddos" at the end of every status when he's NOT "single". That could be one of his problems there. If one or both of them is in need of such a reminder constantly then they probably already have issues. Anyways, on to the next thing..

“If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck”. That's been on my mind lately. Sometimes what it looks like is JUST what it is and nothing else.

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