Monday, September 20, 2010

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves.....Idiot.

Alright, I gotta bitch on my mind this morning and I'm gonna get it off my chest here but feel free to not continue if your not in the mood...

I was reading an article about the Herimman fire this morning and was flabbergasted when I read that some ppl were refusing to evacuate despite mandatory orders stating so. This brings to mind the catastrophe that was Katrina in New Orleans. It might not be P.C. to say so but if your that fucking stupid then u deserve to die. There I said it. Do the population a favor and die. Somebody is gonna have to risk their life and spend a shit load of money cuz you ain't got no sense. Stupid. This house has got NOTHING in it (but my children) worth risking my life for. And I ain't naive enough to think my life or house are gonna be spared with a fire storm headed my way. In fact, I'm pessimist enough to think my house will be the FIRST to go.

Ok, I'm done with my morning rant. :)

1 comment:

Candace said...

I agree 100%....My sister in law lives ONE mile from the evacutaion area. I understand her choice to stay, but if it were me, I would have gone just to be safe!