Monday, September 6, 2010


Do u ever get tired of being a big fat fucking cliche?

That's all I wanted to say....I wanted to Fb it but Fb is pissing, i'm not going there again...I just mean cuz I have too many ppl that my mouth would offend and it's mostly their fault cuz I'm not one for friend requesting ppl. I figure If I ask you and then my mouth offends you, it's my bad but if it's the other way around then it's your fault.

BTW, my cryptic wanna be vaguebooking started out referring to Ashton Kutcher. I was Tweeting...sometimes it's so much easier to speak my mind there cuz...well, no one is there..anyways, I was tweeting and I follow him and sometimes he's so cliche. "Epic!" he says. What, doesn't everyone say that now. Maybe I'm just taking my pissed offness out on poor Ashton. It's my 8 year anniversary ( ok OUR...what the fuck ever) and I was totally down with spending it alone, cleaning, getting ready for school to start tomorrow AND then my honey came home and changed my plans and made me think we were gonna have dinner together (with kids of course) and now he's a no fucking show. Ggrrr. I've warned him about this before. I hate to expect something and not get it. I'm not one to get my hopes for the unlikely but if it looks likely or someone I trust makes promises.....

Anyways, I'm pissy. Won't be the last time I'll be pissy I guess....sure ain't the first.

And if you wanna know what I was tweeting ...well, there are no secrets on my blog. ;) I just said something about not having did this much hair removal since I got married and he better appreciate it. OH I did seriously come up with a good comic bit while I was nairing all the hair on my body. Some woman whose seriously excited about a date or going on a date for the first time should be nairing her legs and get a important phone call (possibly from this date) and forget she's nairing and accidentally nair her eyebrows. I thought if you did it right it could be a good funny bit. I come up with this stuff cuz I come so close to doing it myself. I'm so blonde and spacy sometimes that I could seriously imagine myself nairing my eyebrows EASILY.

Speaking of blonde and spacy, I'm smarter than you think I am. I'm someone you never wanna underestimate. I cover my slicing wit and intelligence with my blundering idiot charm. That way you never see me coming. :) on a similar subject (my intelligence or lack thereof), I saw an old friend while I was back in Texas @ Wally (where else?). And he teaches Senior math @ a local high school and we were saying how my brother needed a tutor and Otis says "Ginger was good at math". What universe was he on? I had another friend ( I'll admit this to you blog) that filled out a survey about me and I saved it. She said I was " one of the most intelligent people she knew". She was a smart girl and it felt good that she said so. I guess since I only use my brain, math, reading...skills these days to take care of a house and some kids then I need that reassurance now and then that the stuff in my head is not turning to jello as I go about fulfilling my mind- numbing daily chores. Though I do think Otis is suffering from memory loss. I was good at everything but if there was a thorn in my side then it was Math. One day soon I will take this jello in my head and shape it up and use it again...with purpose.

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