Monday, April 26, 2010


Why are we so unhappy sometimes with other people's happiness? What makes us that way? I'm as guilty as the next person but it's just that usually I get to be the happy person and when I'm not--it sucks. Of course, it's not always that way...just moments. My friend had a baby today AND I am very happy for her ...because I don't wish it was me and some friends went to SLC for a visit and even though I kinda wish it was me I'm glad SOMEONE got out of town but someone else I know is taking charge of her body, losing weight and coming up with a plan to make it happen and that makes me unhappy. General weight loss, plan of weight loss by other ppl make me unhappy, why is that? Well, I have a feeling it touches back on that 'if it really bothers you then it's because it's touched a nerve' thing because I think I'd really like to lose weight and feel good about my body again....or feel better about it.

It's hard to feel too bad about my body when I'm having some of the best sex of my marriage though...why that is I couldn't exactly tell you..or you just don't me to probably..but I am. BEST SEX EVER...<--sounds like the name of a porn video..> lol.

On that upnote, I'm putting the computer down and going to play with my new handbag (I mean this literally, not figuratively) and read some of the new novel I've started..that'll cheer me right up!

1 comment:

Candace said...

ya' know what TOTALLY sucks? Two things: 1) I may be walking and "off" soda, but I've made up for it today with chocolate doughnuts, and 2) I came to the realization that if I drank more (alcohol) I'd eat less... that's what helped me keep weight off after Basic Training but of course that's OFF LIMITS. :-(

BTW, LOVE your Hand Bag! :-)