Sunday, April 25, 2010

We work BECAUSE of our differences!

You know just like parenthood there are days where I feel that I have this whole marriage thing figured out and there are days where I'm totally at a lose but I have come to realize one thing that I said recently that makes a whole lotta sense the more I think about it. My hubby and I 'worked' at first because of our similarity's --the things we had in common, and we work now because of our differences. We have a similar vision, life plan..similar thoughts about raising our children (90% of the time)...we have fairly clear divisions in our marriage. I know what he WILL and WILL NOT do and vice versus. The jobs, the roles are fairly clear to us and compared to some ppl's marriages they are different. I've noticed that in my friends marriages, each has their own 'rule' division. Some wives pay the bills, some husbands and on and on and on..each is different but if it works for BOTH of you then that's good. It's just clearly drawing the lines for agreement of both parties. Foy takes out the trash, pays the bills and makes the money. He washes and purchases his own clothes and mows the lawn. I clean the house, cook and take care of the children 110%. He rarely cleans and never cooks and if you ask him when Kylie has a field trip, what her fav toy is or what her fav color is..he wouldn't have a clue. I worry this makes him sound like a bad father..he's an EXCELLENT father. He reads to the kids alot and he plays with them. He keeps the girls when he's home some while I go get groceries or go out with friends. BUT I ultimately bath them, dress them, buy their clothes, food, wash their clothes, change their diapers, plan their parties, purchase toys (including Christmas), cook for them ..I know their fav foods, fav colors, toys they are most interested in...I take them to soccer games, playdates, the library. I am pretty much SOLELY in charge of the children and that's the way I like it and he does too. We are happy in our roles and that's the way it should be. We have differences that go deeper though. He's a neat freak and I'm a bit messy..and this having two personalities helps us balance ourselves instead of drive ourselves crazy. He's anal with paying the bills and I'm happy-go-lucky Lucy--I'm relaxed about that as in everything usually. We genuinely LIKE one another and respect one another and I LOVE THAT MAN. Oh, he's not perfect (like I am) and he drives me nuts alot but I LOVE HIM.

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