Saturday, August 2, 2008

More than my fair share of CRAZY!

I heard a line in a movie recently that went something like this. "A thief always thinks someone is stealing." I'm guessing the point was that whatever you think of others is probably what your doing yourself which gave me cause to worry because I tend to think the worst of people. I mean seriously, the worst. I think almost everyone is a lying, stealing, gossiping fiend. Well, I may be exaggerating a little but seriously, I have a really hard time trusting anyone. I'd like to think that it's because I'm surrounded by "crazies". Seriously this town has more than it's fair share but I really think it may be me ..just a little. I mean is it because I am these things....I use to be these things....I don't think so. I mean, I was never a thief. Ok, ok, I'll admit it. The occasional makeup theft at Wal-Mart in my early teens....oh wait, and diet pills once..but just kid stuff. I mean, I never stole from a PERSON...just Wal-Mart or the grocery store. Do you think I'm a bad person? Because I was thinking I wasn't and now I'm wondering if I'm just being too kind to myself. Doesn't everyone do this kinda stuff as a kid? Maybe not. Well, I know I was a liar sometimes. But only when it mattered. Lol. I know that sounds funny but I hate ppl who lie for no reason..all the time. I mean I hate liars period but seriously if you gonna lie let it be to save your life or your marriage or lie to your kids to save their life(as long as they can't find out you lied) BUT don't just lie to impress people or because you like to live in a constant state of drama and lie about what's happening in your life. And I hate lying to save face. I mean really, if you did it then make sure it's worth confessing about. If they (whomever you are confessing to) don't like your confession, well then they don't like you. Your either confessing because your sorry or maybe just because it's good for the soul but hey, at least your telling the truth and THAT should be worth something, right? Now on to gossip. Well, I'm as liable as the next girl but I figure it's just sharing news up to a point, right? I mean there is a fine line there and if I ever do anything worth gossiping about, well, by all means, gossip away.

Now on to my second theory. There is another reason I could think these awful things about everyone I meet....the news. I mean seriously, have you read the news lately? (I say, seriously too much...hmmm) It's full of random murder, theft, lying and just plain maliciousness. These average people appear to have just lost their fucking minds. Or maybe they were only pretending to be average, which brings me back to where I was. Anyone could be one of those crazies on the news, right? So when I think the worst of someone, maybe I'm just protecting myself and my children. I only think the worst until you prove otherwise.....but in my book, your guilty until proven innocent. Sorry. <---Not really.

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