Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

So I'm reading a new book. I would like to make some comments about it while they are fresh on my mind. I just discovered one of the most disturbing lines from the book....

"When push comes to shove, a mother takes care of her children from the bottom up."
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

(Sidebar, I love that last name, don't you?)

I guess I find it disturbing because I wonder is it true. The woman was faced with a swarm of red ants in Africa. I'm assuming even though this book is fiction some things are based in fact and these ants actually do swarm through villages in Africa consuming everything in sight. The village fled to the river. She had to chose between her youngest daughter who was 5 or her middle child who was 16 but lame. Her older daughter asked her why and this was her response. Obviously you see, her oldest did survive with help from strangers. My point is......
would I do the same thing? Can I answer this honestly never having been put in this situation? I think I would choose my youngest also. Not because I love her more or anything like that but because she is the most helpless and needs more of my care.

But on re-reading what I wrote, I don't think so. I can't see myself doing that. The age my children are now....4 and 2. I would die trying to save both of them. I would find a way. If willpower or heroics or pure love could save my children I would fight tooth and nail to make that happen. I would kill, fight,gnash my teeth, murder, cajole, bribe, borrow, steal, kill...whatever it took to save BOTH my girls.

So I leave you with the question. What would you do?

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