Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mutual Interests

If I could take each section of this awesome day and the awesome conversation I had with Kyria and my new friend Kristen and blog about it, this blog would just go on forever. I felt such a high today being with similar thinking people and planning this cloth diaper class. They had such great input. And the moment when all the babies got hungry and WE NURSED IN PUBLIC WITHOUT A COVER all together was just heartwarming. Yes, I've nursed in public without a cover alone and even with Kyria before but 3 of us all at the same time with a toddler, 4 month old and 7 month old...well, it was just...a little piece of heaven that I fit right in. I told Kyria I would love to tag-a-long with her to a LLL meeting sometime in the SLC area. I've never been to one and if she doesn't get her butt in gear then there won't be any here to go to before Ezra weans. I'm planning on child led weaning though so hopefully it will be a nice LOOOONG time (like I can carry him in the Ergo between college classes and nurse him at the same time LOOONG) before he weans completely.

Then I talked to the guy at the library in charge of the classes. I'm sure I've mentioned on here that I was thinking of doing a class. Kyria said she would help me and now I've met Kristen (I HEART Kristen..I seriously have a crush.) who will help also. He was so SO enthusiastic about it. He wanted to know all about it and had such nice things to say. He was PUMPED and made me even more pumped. The more I told him the more he was like this is gonna be GREAT! He even had some personal stories about his own kids and problems with sposies and the chemicals. He was fascinated. I just kept kicking myself that I hadn't brought more examples of the different styles. I only had one in the diaper bag.

The class is set for Jan. 14th at 10 am. I am trying to name it and have got some great suggestions. I'm suppose to be getting back to him so he knows what to call it when they promote it. He said they even have money in the budget to buy some diapers and give them away as part of the advertising for the class! I. AM. ECSTATIC. I really didn't picture this conversation with him going anything like it did. This is gonna be so fun. Now I'm petrified PETRIFIED that no one is gonna come. I'm so excited and have all these plans of what diapers to show and all the stuff I want to cover. Kyria said she will talk about some parts and I might can talk Kristen into doing some talking.

I'm so glad I wasn't too shy (YES, sometimes I am shy people) or unsure of myself (YES, I'm that too.) to say something.

About Kristen, I was commenting on one of Kyria posts and mentioned that I was co-directing Intact Wyoming and she 'liked' it and then messaged and friend requested me. Come to find out, she lives right around the corner from me! She met Kyria in a birthing class and Kyria encapsulated her placenta. She is a 'natural mother' who is breastfeeding, wearing with a Moby (but don't worry I already have her addicted to the swap), cloth diapering and passionate about saving baby boys! She researched circumcision while she was pregnant and was HORRIFIED at what she read. She had a girl but having an intact husband, intact nephew and having informed herself she is passionate about making changes. We messaged all yesterday and we're so simpatico. She said it was like talking to herself, haha. I met her today at the library and she is SO nice. I want to meet her again tomorrow so we can talk more! It was kinda all about the cloth diaper class today and we didn't get to chat...plus she had to leave early because she had already told me she had committed to meeting two other women at 1130.

I even mentioned us getting a booth at the next local shindig (whatever it may be) and just passing out some natural parenting info. They were both down. I love how we are all sorta passionate in a general area but in different things. Kyria is all about improving birth and breastfeeding. I am passionate about intactivism, breastfeeding and baby wearing...ok, fine also cloth diapers. Kristin, intactivism and I haven't felt her out on the rest.

I'm having a lot of fun.

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