Sunday, May 11, 2008

UnGodly Hour

I haven't been up this early in LONG time. I'm not a morning person, ok. Let's get that straight right now. Anything before 9 am and I'm about useless BUT I really want to go to SLC today so I have dragged myself out of bed at the ungodly hour of 8 am. I have had my Chocolate Truffle Gourmet Coffee and a lovely pastry. I might be almost human in an hour or so.

I've been spending alot of time thinking about my blog. I'm actually kinda obsessed with it. I keep pulling it up and taking a peep at it like it's my little newborn baby and I'm just checking to make sure it is still there. At first, I vowed to make only post about HIGHER THINKING. I wasn't going to mention being a SAHM (Stay-at-home-mom) or poopy diapers and the troubles with my girls. BUT then I hit reality and realized this blog should be about my ENTIRE life, poopy diapers and all. It's not like admist piles of laundry, dirty diapers, dirty dishes, dirty toilets and the remodeling (nice way of saying we flooded the basement) I have lots of time for HIGHER THINKING. (Yes, I am going to put that in caps every time.) I just want some acknowledgement that though I am a mom, I am also alot more than that. I have a ME lost in here somewhere. So this blog will be about my life. I'm going to pretend I have thousands of readers hanging on my every blog. So for you thousands of readers waiting with baited breathes for the next blog....I will be in SLC, Utah for a couple of days and the next post will be when I get back. Happy Mothers Day to all!!

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