Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So I hate reality television. I don't know wether to call that a little known fact or a well-known one. I'm very verbal about it but it's not like I go around with it written on my t-shirt. One reason I hate them is the very addictivity (I make up my own words sometimes! HA!) and drama of them. Another fact about me (little known or otherwise) is that I hate drama. And I'm not one of those ppl that SAY I hate drama and then take relish in the drama of my own or others lives....I REALLY hate drama. Don't come to me with your tears or for that matter expecting my sympathy. I pretty much live by the motto that if you don't like it, change it. If you don't like your life, your husband, your body, your job...CHANGE IT! I don't have time for your whining and neither should you. Either change it or deal with it but don't whine to me about it! I feel mean but it's a fact...and if your honest with yourself you should know this. I will help you if you need it. Just say the word. But don't ever expect me to be the person that lets you cry on my shoulder. I'm not that person. I'm the person you come to when you want to change your life. I always speak sense so don't expect me to agree with you for agreements sake. I don't want you to agree with me for agreements sake. I hate that. I won't spare your feelings so don't spare mine. I'm abrupt and no-nonsense. My husband calls it rude but that's just that he misunderstands me.

I don't mean to say that I don't have a complaint now and then about this or that but I don't do any serious complaining about anything. I married him. I reproducted them. I moved here of my own free will.

I've gotten completely off track from what I started to write my blog about but I'm sure this won't be the last time that happens.

I don't like reality tv but I have found myself intensely interested in documentaries lately. I watched one about a married couple that waited until they were 65 to get cochlear implants. They were born deaf and suddenly wanted to hear at 65. It was a sweet, sappy, sentimental docudrama (I'd call it.). It made me cry but all in all, I liked it. I learned from it. Aren't you suppose to learn something from documentaries? I learned that sometimes sound is just noise and complete silence has it's advantages (especially with a 2 year old and 4 year old).

I also watched one on comas. They are mysterious. It was about 4 ppl who were initially in comas. In the end one died, two almost fully recovered and one would continue to live in a vegetative state. I learned that in recovering from a coma the window is a year. Any recovery you will likely make will be in a year. I found that very interesting. I have never made a will. (That's a whole 'nother blog subject.) But for those of you (millions thousands one reader out there) who read this blog, I would like to be given a year if I'm ever in a coma. If I can make it after that year without a ventilator or feeding tube, I would like to live.

Wow, this blog has turned way more serious than I meant it to be. I'm just killin' time while Foy plays the Wii. Well, tomorrow....

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