Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I miss sex

I miss sex when it felt wrong to have sex, when it felt new, when something unexpected might happen...when it felt immoral and sometimes maybe even illegal. I miss when you almost wanted to go eeww but if felt too good. Ya know that feeling? Well, if you don't, then you should.

I don't advocate celibacy or waiting until your married. I know, how uncool of me. It's the cool thing to do these days. I do ADVOCATE waiting until someone special comes along. Hell, several someone specials will do. lol. I think waiting until your married is a recipe for disaster. I think only having sex with one person your whole life is not cool. I think you should get the sex, lust thing out of the way so you can find out if this is the person for you. After all the sex, lust stuff is'll still be stuck with them "til death do us part." So maybe you should have more than that on the mind when you say those vows. Of course these days those vows don't hold alot of weight. Divorce being so prevalent and all. I also DO advocate condoms, birth control and honesty. You know, it is always the best policy. So I hear.

Back to missing sex. I watched "The Darjeeling Unlimited". I didn't like it overall but it did bring up the missing sex part. They do it in a bathroom...up against the wall and he licks his fingers before he he..ya get her ready. Good times. He thanks her for using him and I know what he means. I miss that.

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