Sunday, May 18, 2008

Advice and Happiness

" I'm not gonna write you a love song, cuz you ask for it, cuz you need one..."

So I finished reading my book about the hermaphrodite (It seems slightly demeaning to keep calling it that but it was the point of the whole book). I didn't think it was all that good..especially considering it won a Pulitzer. It brought up questions of gender..obviously and "nature vs. nurture" which is an old arguement. I'm not sure what year it won the Pulitzer but maybe IT was a new argument then.

You know I'm always wanting to give advice and I have to restrain myself. I know about unwanted advice so I try to keep my mouth shut. I find that in the subject of pregnancy, labor, and children I have definite advice to give and opinions about most everything. I heard some horror stories when I was pregnant that I could have done without so even though my first instinct when someone is pregnant is to start expelling sage advice I do try to refrain from giving it. BUT knew there was going to be a 'but' didn't you...since I'm dying to say this..I'm going to say it on here. I mean after all this is my blog and you don't have to read it. This is NOT about pregnancy or's about relationships.

You know what I hate..when ppl jump from one relationship to the next always saying that this is 'the one' or hoping it is or sure that God is somehow at work and he means for them to continue dating everything that walks..always looking for happiness or to be defined by some man. I want to shake them. HARD. And tell them instead of jumping from man to man maybe they should take the time to figure out who they are and what makes them happy besides a man cuz I'm here to tell you sister, men are fallible. And they fall often. Your happiness shouldn't depend on them. It should depend on you. Being happy with yourself and that will make everything else fall in place. Young ppl are especially susceptible to this. (Wow, that entire sentence makes me feel really old.)I sure made my fair share of mistakes and I'm sure they are not over but I'm gonna do my best not to make the same mistakes twice.

Another pitfall in offering advice is the quesion "Am I qualified to give advice?". Do I have all the answers? How ridiculous am I going to sound with my advice when what I'm giving advice about blows up in my face? God knows I don't have all the answers. I just have experience and maybe my advice is not about being right but trying to help you learn from my experiences or mistakes. My kids are not the most well-mannered kids and I'm not in the perfect marriage. So you might want to take my advice and stick it where the sun don't shine.....or you might want to take my little gold nugget and think real hard about what makes YOU happy.

On the subject of happiness I have a quote for you:

Quote"If you observe a really happy man you will find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias in his garden, or looking for dinosaur eggs in the Gobi desert. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that had rolled under the radiator. He will not be striving for it as a goal in itself. He will have become aware that he is happy in the course of living life twenty-four crowded hours of the day."

This was given to me on a piece of paper by my Science teacher, Mr.Cannon in the 8th grade (I think it was the eighth.). I still have that piece of paper after all these years. I've continued to read it. When I was younger I thought it meant that I should build a boat,write music,become a gardener,have children and visit the Gobi desert. lol. BUT after reading it for so long, I realized it was the other part of the quote that mattered. Happiness will find you while your living your life. You don't have to find it.

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