Sunday, October 28, 2012

12 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening #1

I REALLY REALLY like this. I try to read it objectively. I definitely let things happen instead of make them to an extent. I have this weird thing that if it was meant to be then it just will. Like I think fate steps in sometimes. For example, if I'm writing a blog and my computer suddenly dies then I assume it was something I just shouldn't post. Ditto with my phone or text messaging, posting on my social sites, etc. Maybe I'm a bit superstitious. I learned not to fight the current but let it carry you. Someone was talking about her baby the other day. He cries a lot, wakes too much at night..more along those lines and I thought that's because we've been led to believe that is not normal for babies and it totally is. Plus it depends on their personality. I have had 4 babies and some have been easier or harder or different. They've each been different in some ways. When you say, I accept that we will wake up each night at least 4 times then it becomes easier. If you become resentful or mad it becomes harder. We just learn to let go and stop trying to make things adjust to us. And instead adjust to things. It's OKAY to do that. It's okay to just let things happen and not investigate, talk about or scour every detail. Religious people would say 'let go and let God'. But however you put it, it's usually healthy. 

I smile a lot. I think I do. I could smile more though. Smiling is like money...can there ever really be too much? 

#3 is harder for me. I feel more connected to nature than I do others. Or maybe I feel connected to others but they don't feel connected to me. It just says 'feelings'. I get these feelings. I actually make lots of connections. I don't think of myself as a very connecting person but the fact is that I make more connections than most people. I genuinely like meeting people. I like conversing. I like having friends. I would also like to work on my connections and thereby my children's connection with nature. More nature walks in our future. More outdoor activities. I am taking the kids hiking to the Timpanoga caves next Summer for sure. Also more exploration of Thanksgiving Point Gardens and I wanna check out that train around SL. 

I shall blog about the rest of these points at another time (we hope, considering my ADD I wouldn't be too expectant, haha). I love how I talk to myself like I have a 1000 readers. Actually I'm surprised at the number of page views I get a day anyways. It's......flattering. :)

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