Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Making Love to a Horse

Men like to blame the ladies lack of response in bed to her issues and not his. Maybe he just sucks that bad. I am usually always honest in that department..I mean I usually try to pull the punches with the know like, " Better next time, honey. It did FEEL good..just not quite there." Ok, or sometimes I might be like, "Fucking A, this sucks. Next time it's MY turn." Being married to me..isn't always a cake walk..I'm first to admit it. Not that this is often..I mean that the 'elusive big O' doesn't come...but your lying if you say it's there EVERY time for you. I probably have more than the average gal but it's called elusive for a REASON. Point is, if I'm quiet that's usually NOT a good sign. But you have to make me yell and sometimes I think about horses when we're having sex....ok, let me explain that, lol. I think women are like good horse flesh and if you 'ride' her her, touch all the right places, learn where, how and with your knee to go that way, stroke her here to do that...then you will illicit the response you want. But you have to pay attention. If I freak out and gyrate every time you touch my neck in a certain spot..well, that should be noted. If I turn off when you...I suddenly can't think of ANYTHING that turns me off...this is crazy...but you get what I'm saying. I've always responded to certain things certain ways and if a guy takes notes and pays attention...well, it should be easier the next time.

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