Monday, December 13, 2010

Reading, knitting, drinking coffee and writing = heaven!

It just came to me! So last night I went to sleep thinking about two things....IF I could go to college, what for? And knitting. I don't know if I've mentioned it blog but I'm obsessed with knitting. I have an obsessive personality by nature...I manage to suppress it cuz it annoys people when I latch on to something with bared teeth and won't let go but ....I really don't care if my knitting obsession pisses anyone off...fuck off if it does.

Anyways, and I've said for years that my retirement plan was to own and run a used bookstore. I own a Nook now and was just reading the other day about how the book business is in trouble but I cant help it. I really love books. Books you can hold in your hand. That smell....good sometimes and too much like the previous owner other times...books that have stains, notes, highlighted sections...books with stories to tell that aren't written in ink but in ownership. Yesterday I went to Starbucks and then Hastings and that's my epitome of a good day. Two of my happy places. Coffee, books around gives me such a sense of adventure. There at my fingertips...any place in the world I wanna go! I can be anyone!

So what came to me was maybe there is a way to combine all my obsessions. Id love to own a used bookstore that sold coffee, knitting supplies and lessons in said knitting. A place to come together and feel welcome. Before I went to bed last night...the last thing I had decided was that what I REALLY wanted to do was be a writer. I can do it. And the best thing about being a writer is that really there is no formal education required...just life lessons. So theoretically (stay with me here), the older I get the more qualified I become....not the sooner I get a formal education. Of course, I'd love to take some classes related to being a writer. Anyways, who knows. Even when I went to college as a late teen I had just a liberal arts major because even then I couldn't pin point a career. I feel a little like the bee on the bee movie...I'm suppose to do this til I die!? I mean, that's a big commitment. Several thousand dollars for an education to do something that I HOPE I will enjoy doing the rest of my life...I don't know. But I could own my used bookstore (I have the perfect house in mind. Oh yes, a house with nooks, crany's, fluffy pillows, antique furniture, coffee mug stains, the scent of books crammed together and overflowing and the perfect little fire lite space for knitting..) and sell coffee and try to spread my knitting obsession and write while enjoying my kids/grandkids...

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