Saturday, December 11, 2010


I don't have a reason to feel bummed...things are hunky dorey. I did have some plans tonight that got canceled for one reason or another and I'm kinda bummed about that. I started to go to the movie alone but I was really enjoying my family but now the kids are all in bed and it's just me and Foy and speaking of Foy we've been fighting a lot on his days off. Just arguing about anything and everything. He had the nerve to say something about the house being messy, ggrrrrr. I threw cake at his head for it...cake in a plate (oh, don't get your panties in a was a paper plate but there was a metal fork involved...ok, it was more over his head). We laughed about it later. I knew the minute he said it I was fixing to launch something at him...happened to be cake...I consider him lucky I wasn't having a glass of water with it.

Anyways, I'm considering the late movie. I went and got us some booze but now I don't think it's the booze I want. I want a club atmosphere. I want loud music, anonymity, the crush of the crowd, the pulse of the music, the smell of pheromones in the some people that all might sound not so good but to sounds and smells familiar. I grew up in that helped forge me into the person I am now.

So I gotta go and catch this movie...and who knows...maybe I'll go get a drink by myself.." I ain't afraid.."

On the up side, I finally got him to agree that we need new mattresses so those are in the works....he's Internet comparing as we speak and I bet we go get some new ones tomorrow. I want to wait and check out RC Willey. I LOVE RC Willey but he's impatient. He said he wants a better nights sleep NOW, not when we find the time to go to SLC so it looks like it might be John Paras, blech.

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