Sunday, December 12, 2010

Babies of all varieties!

I'm proud of myself..I got our Christmas card pics made today..with the girls in their fancy dresses and hair done and then I got the cards made online and went and picked them up and got 90% of the envelopes addressed and even remembered stamps...usually this whole process takes me like a there, that's why I'm proud.

The neighbor stopped over today with her cute as hell baby teacup Yorkie. He was such a cutie. She came to see if I had a baby carrier..that you carry on your body and I sure did and I just let her have it cuz she's done so much for us. She's watered the yard when we couldn't be home...the other night I didn't answer the phone for 3 hours cuz I had left it in my jacket pocket and I was kinda taking a "social" break for myself and Foy called her and woke her up to come check on me. Really scared the total shit out of me..someone ringing the doorbell @ 10 pm. But it was nice of him to worry. So yeah, I just let her have it.

I am getting very excited for my sisters baby. I completed a couple of little hats for the guy and now I'm gonna work on a cocoon for him. I wonder if I'm not just feeling s little baby hungry....Foy and I have discussed it but we're both unsure we want another and Foy feels we're better off discussing it again in 6 months rather than making a rushed or "wrong" decision now. I have so many mixed emotions about possibly having of them is that I KNOW if we have another I won't regret having it...not matter the sex but if I don't...will I regret not giving it another go. But I also have a lot of negative feelings about another baby...the college takes kids when they are 2 I believe and I really do wanna do something for myself...and then I feel selfish but really having another baby is not really helping the other kids either. That's less time and money that's spent on them...and they are kinda awesome and I would like to be there even MORE for them..which I feel like I can do when S gets a little older. I also want to start contributing monetarily to this family at some point. I feel like a big ol' mooch sometimes even though i know what im doing is needed and contributing and Foy sees that....i just cant help feeling that way a little. I worry my husband might regret not having that boy but honestly, he seems not to care. He says he doesn't..and I believe him. I think as women...(as backwards as it sounds) we want to give our men sons...there is a ....idk what I'm trying to say but I recognize the feeling. I spent a good hour discussing it with Foy this weekend and we have agreed to re-visit the issue next year. I told him too though that this baby-making factory is shutting down soon....meaning we've kinda gotta limited time to get pregnant before I'm proclaiming no more babies. He said,"look how old your Momma is." and he couldn't have said a worse thing. Exactly! I do NOT want to be my mother.

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