Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tiny Humans

I believe the comfort of my children should also be paramount in the equation of bedsharing. It has always allowed me more sleep with my nursling because really his comfort and happiness makes me rest easier, as it should. There is a reason we find our babies cries to cause us anxiety and be upsetting. That's how it was designed.

The more time I spend babywearing and being close to my child the harder I find it to be away from him. I believe THIS is how its suppose to be. This is the design we should be loving and living by. Not carrying them in a plastic bucket, setting them in a plastic stroller and laying them in a wooden bed but in our arms, that's where we should carry our children.

I was at the LLL meeting the other day (for example) and the lady who by all accounts was a wonderful Mother when it was near the end placed her wide awake child in the car seat strapped in and came to visit with us adults. I kept glancing at the child because she seemed so detached from her. The baby was fine but I felt that if I were her I would rather be spending time with my Mother.

Our children learn by seeing, exploring and imitating what we do. If what they see of life is from a plastic bucket seat from the knees up, that slows their learning and comprehension of the world around them. If I wear him he feels my natural movements, he feels my body language, watches my facial expression and those of other adults around him. When I cook if he's on my back I tilt my body where he can see what I'm doing because otherwise he cranes his neck to get a look. If I don't wear him he cries at my feet to be picked up so he can learn, explore and see.

Here is a great article on the benefits of babywearing.

I have another link on bedsharing but I can't find it because I am being rushed, more later.

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