Monday, January 21, 2013

A little about vaccines.

It's true! It's true! 

I can't tell you how many of the ladies in my online due date group ran out and got their babies vaccinated for the flu......and now their babies have it. 

Those vaccinations aren't even CLOSE to preventing the flu so now you you've injected toxins into your kid...and didn't even prevent anything. What is that Bible verse? We are fearfully and wonderfully made? TRUTH. 

Toxins in flu vaccines you say? Here is a list from the CDC of the ingredients in vaccines. Some of them are: formaldehyde, monkey kidney cells, fetal bovine serum (cow), aluminum, thimerosal (mercury), eggs and if you research some of the 'human' stuff in them you'll find it was grown from aborted fetus tissue. YEP. This is a government website so I'm not even giving you biased info here. This info is listed on vaccine inserts that you NEVER SEE. Do you know that your doctor profits from vaccines? Yep, that's right. And profits more when your kid is always sick. Do you know what is listed as adverse reactions on some vaccine inserts? You should know this stuff. I didn't know this stuff. 

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