Sunday, February 3, 2013

Which groceries can you keep?

I don't make New Years resolutions, I think it's silly to set that sort of insane goal for yourself BUT in the New Year  I did make a vow to myself that I would watch my money better and a little more responsibly. In my efforts in that direction I took my credit card out of my wallet and left it at the house.

This morning after I picked the two older girls up from their sleepover I had to go to Albertsons for a few things. I had 27$ in my wallet and I THOUGHT 24$ in the account but I didn't check it. When I went to check out I had 48$ worth of groceries. I put in my cash and ran my card. (I was in self-checkout.) AAANNNND, I didn't have enough on the card so I had to put some things back. I was mortified. So embarrassing! I had to get a manager to void my purchases and return my money so I could start over and only get enough as I had cash for. I mumbled something about a card but my face was red and I was just mortified.

Even at the time I realized that things like these are just good for me. I get to be in a situation so next time I will have empathy for the person in line who might have to do the same thing. While it was going on I thought I couldn't decide if it would be more embarrassing to have someone offer me money, not offer me money or offer to assist me. I just wanted to melt and disappear. I felt like the manager must pity me so.

I can't help that even at the second I had to feel lucky. I mean, I have credit and I have a pantry full of food (just not what I wanted at the time). Some people would really have to make this decision about what groceries they would have to eat and what they would put back, not be able to send their husband out in a couple of hours to get what they had to put back.

So in conclusion, it was embarrassing. I learned multiple lessons. I am lucky.

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