Wednesday, August 29, 2012

That's what necks are for!

Ah, hello old friend. There have been times when I have looked upon my blog with animosity and trepidation. Now I feel as if it's an old familiar friend, a place to let my hair down. I would compare it to the feeling I get when my breasts are full of milk and I finally feed my baby. A sense of calm, peace and utter relaxation overwhelms me. I can't even begin to describe how awesome that rush of oxytocin is.

I went to Texas and back. It wasn't bad at all. The baby did well for the most part. I guess when I say it went well you have to think well this is Ginger saying this. I promise if a lot of other women had taken the same trip it would have been nothing but horror and bitching the whole way. The kids were kids. Kylie got a virus on the ride back and puked in the hotel and the car and gas stations..and the side of the road. We managed it though and never actually got it on anything and anyone but a few splatters on her and the best part is no one else got it. I was sure they were.

I know I had a few blogs I wanted to write and never had time and now I can only remember one. Well, one thing I wanted to bitch about. The nursing with a cover shit. The hubs gets all weirded out if I nurse without a cover and starts standing in front of me blocking people. I don't know how to explain to him or help him see that I'm doing something natural and that my breasts aren't even really showing and so what if an inch of skin see more than that in the display area at Victory Secret. Well, I have spent time trying to tell him and he gets how it makes me feel I guess but my Mom was a whole 'nother ball game. I'm not going to try and explain to her. I did not use a cover in her house though and she knew from her visit here that I wouldn't. My bros might see a little bit of my boob or not or they can look away. They are just boobs for Christ sake! Then when we were at my Grandma's I refused to use a cover for the most part. I was going to feed him when we had company at her house. Just before I popped my boob out I looked around and it was my Grandma, Mom, 2 great aunts, my aunt and my brother..which were all fine but then I noticed my Aunts Grandson in the corner and was about to pull out my cover and before I could my Mom saw me looking and what I was thinking of and shouted, "Ginger you need your cover!". AAAGGH, she makes me so angry. I'm getting more comfortable nursing in public NIP and she better just get use to it because soon I won't be using a cover EVER.

I feel that I just discovered all these wonderful things and I need to do all of them before my baby grows up. I have so many regrets now with the girls. I regret mostly not breastfeeding them! I regret not wearing them more (or at all really) or co-sleeping. I regret too much mainstream parenting and not thinking out of the box. I regret vaxing them. No more vaccinations for them and Ezra hasn't had any..and won't be receiving any after my research.

I feel I have so little time to do all these things and to experience them. I just want to do it all at once. I have an Ergo, mei tai, ring sling and Moby and now I'm obsessed with getting a woven wrap. I keep hearing good things about Didymos but there are so many choices. I want to do it all! Some people might say it's a lot of money..but then it isn't their money so they can shut their piehole. ;) Not that I have to explain myself but I can resell all these things I'm buying...including the diapers. And mostly I just don't care. I want to do it. I do things I want to do. PERIOD.

I also am a raging intactivist. I carded while I crossed 5 states and had fun doing it. I left cards in gas stations, gas pumps, restaurants, hotels....oh, any old place. I also carded Walmart yesterday. I felt like a rebel. I even had Kylie help me, haha. She was like is this illegal Mama? She knows all about circumcision. I have talked to her about not removing things from little boys that is permanent. That their bodies are owned by them not their parents and they should have the right to decide. I haven't really discussed the uses and reasons to leave the foreskin on...since that's a little more involved but I did say it was a part of a little boys penis that they cut off.  I really feel the need to inform people about circumcision. So many people only do it because they just don't think. I would have if it hadn't been for someone mentioning it to me and then all the debates I saw online leading to my own research. Here is on pic of carding I took.

It's the blue card. I figure people are stuck here reading this crap then they might as well  learn something. 
Me with the ring sling. Pardon the way I look like crap. This was my first time trying it out. Feel free to constructively criticize.  I don't have this all figured out yet.

Our new Pac-Man woven pieced CHC. LOOOOVE. 

This one is my fav CHC so far though. It's so fantastical. It's blue snails if you can't tell. I am a new fitted addict. 

This is a Yiddle Doppers. I love the boy rainbows. Foy was all frowny about it but eff him. ;) 

To end this blog that was essentially about....nothing. I found this saying that had meaning for me. It really spoke to me.

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