Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I confess...

I have an addiction.....(haha, I just realized I had put addition. Well, I have one of those too)

to Cracker Jacks.

I get so sad when I get to the end of the bag that I have to dig all the crumbs out cuz they are full of carmel deliciousness and then I wind up with crumbs all down in my boobs and stuck to my shirt and all over my face and my hands get all sticky and then I lick them. It's an addiction.

I also confess to really liking youtube videos of pregnant chicks dancing, haha...but mostly only black ones cuz as a race, us white women fail at dropping it like it's hot when we're NOT pregnant and there is nothing sadder than a white PREGNANT chick trying to shake it. I watched like a minute of one and it was so SAD. Her husband was all, "That looks hot" and "You look good" and I'm like love IS blind or he's a good liar.

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