Thursday, February 9, 2012

Husbands and Potty Training

Foy is away for work in Houston til tomorrow. He left Tuesday. He called last night and after awhile said something about some guys going out that wanted him to go but he figured he shouldn't or couldn't (I forget how he worded it) but it was very obviously a question to me. It annoys me when he asks permission for stuff like this. I mean, I don't want him to be an ass but going out for some drinks with some guys after a work thing is perfectly fine. I've done it with friends after 'work', haha. My kinda work anyways. And I'm also not prone to asking...I'm more prone to telling. I mean unless I'm asking what time he'll get off or if he could possibly be off by a certain time or thinks it's probable so I can make plans then I'm usually just telling him what my plans are so he can be prepared. Anyways, I told him I didn't care what he did as long as he kept it in his pants. BUT. Oh you knew there was a but. I didn't tell him a but it's like that country song. I don't know what it's title is or who sings it but it says.."because she didn't ask me to". Well, I didn't ask him to but if he had called me when he got home that woulda been great. But no. And then it would have been great if he'd called me this morning or on his lunch break but NO, not that either. And then I thought well yesterday he called me at 430 so I should at least expect that call today BUT NO. Along comes 5 and still no word. So I called him. I was nice but I was annoyed. I thought it woulda been nice of him to reassure me even though I don't need reassurance. (I don't, right?). It's not that I have any problems with him going out but whytf can't he call anyways. I mean I'm only 7 months prego and stuck at home by myself with our other 3 children...but hey, it's ok. I'm fine. I'm always fucking fine. Ok, maybe I'm a little more than annoyed BUT (ha!) I'll write you about it blog and get it all off my chest..well, the angry part anyways maybe and then I'll be such a nice calm understanding wife to him. I'd hate to be thought of as a nagging one but dammit, he shoulda called me. Anyways, so I called him 3 hours ago and he didn't talk long (even though I was annoyed) because he didn't wanna miss the bus to dinner..well, that was fucking 3 hours ago. He said he would call me and now I'm just waiting. Should I call him? I kinda want to. I kinda want to be a bitch. I kinda think he deserves it. I'm just gonna get more mad the longer I wait.
I swear I try to be nice and he takes advantage and it makes me wanna be a bitch, ya know?
At least when I talked to him earlier it was long enough to tell him the good news about Sophie's potty training today. Only one accident and that was right when her sisters got home and distracted her but otherwise she pooped and peed ALL DAY in the potty. It was fucking fantastic. We tried this one day a couple or three weeks ago and she didn't go in the potty once but today it just clicked. Well I knew if I could get her to go once and yep, that's what happened. We sat in the bathroom for 30-45 minutes reading and talking and FINALLY miracle of miracles PEE happened and then it was like a switch. Boom. She even pooped with no issue. I did put her in a pull-up tonight but here's to hoping that she still makes it to the potty tonight. I don't have the mattress waterproofed enough that I was willing to risk it.

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