Sunday, May 16, 2010


As I was telling one of my friends I've been experience a little blogophobia (word I made up) lately due to recently having been 'bitten' on the subject. 'Nuff said. But like any other thing (for example riding a bike) if you fall off (make a mistake) then you just gotta get back up and do it again so here I got nothin' real important to say but if I'm gonna jump back on this horse then I better do it now or I might never.

I've debated the wisdom in even having a blog lately ...especially for someone like me (a confessed diarrhea mouth). I write so much better when I can be free to say what I want, how I want without feeling like everyone and their mother is judging me on my harsh insights or hastily written over-zealous opinions. I've always known that about harshness. It's a trait of mine that I work hard to suppress mostly (and I promise is not a trait I value in myself) but like a friend said (I hate to be typical here) but when near or during that time of the month I have a harder time muzzling myself. I'm sure it's easier for my friends whom I have NOT offended to forgive me this trait than those that I have. But forgiveness is not always something that I have given lightly and in an effort to not be hypocritical I cannot hold it against some to be unforgiving. BUT I can say that those FEW ppl that I have forgiven (some family, some friends) it has felt good to forgive. Forgiveness is divine and it definitely lightens your load...I always felt a distinct sense of lightening when I'm forgiven someone. Anyways, enough on forgiveness...

I do not often blog about my day to day activities because I'm afraid that others would find them mundane PLUS unless I have something special planned ..they ARE rather mundane. But in my effort to get over my blogophobia I am determined to write SOMETHING and since that feels relatively SAFE then I'm going to bore you for a sec.

We haven't done a damn thing eaten breakfast (frozen pancakes nuked), lunch (fried spam sandwiches and a peanut butter "no-bake" pie that I whipped up this morning) and the girls played outside for a bit. I have caught up on my DVR'd shows and later tonight we are going to have dinner at Candace's (yay, for me not having to cook!) and play a few games maybe and I'm looking forward to a relaxing evening. My hubby is thinking of taking off the next couple of days and we plan to get the swamp cooler squared away for the summer and I would like to FINALLY do some work on these ugly flower beds. I probably won't do planting right away but I'd like to get the new bricks put around it and dig out some dirt and put plastic down and add some nice 'friendly' dirt to them and get them ready for the fall when I plan to plant bulbs so I don't have to worry so much about them every year. I have better things to do than worry about flower beds incessantly. Anyways, since I feel I have done my 'blogly' duty. I will ...see you later, reader.


~Kimmee K~ said...

I still say write away. If people know you can be harsh and are afraid of being offended by what you say, then they should know better than to read it in the first place. Plus, have you stopped to wonder what anyone has ever said behind your back that may have offended you? In this case, others should be glad you have the balls to say what you think and at least be honest about your opinions rather than going and gossiping behind their back and belittling them. One thing i've learned in the past few days is that there are few people who WON'T talk about you to some degree 'behind your back'. I'm not saying these people aren't good friends or that they hate you or that they are bad people, but I think we all know thats the ugly truth of being human. So ANYWAY, blog away. I love reading help me put things in perspective a lot of the time. and I will try to do the same in return....hehe

Ginger said...

OH, I'm sure there are things about me that get on the nerves of others and I've been the subject of a few bitchin' sessions (I'm not sure if this makes me paranoid (to think that I have) or perceptive) BUT I'm not sure I'd want to know about all the things they had to say about me. Maybe I'm better off NOT knowing those so perhaps there are a FEW things I could keep to myself but your are right in some ways, so much better to say it sometimes. BUT I prefer to say it to someone who can take it and argue with me or agree with me but who will get back with me on the subject. Someone who knows me enough to say 'Screw you and the horse you rode in on and your wrong OR your right but don't be such a bitch'...ya know, I have to understand if I can dish it then I gotta be able to take it.

As long as someone still wants to be my friend even though they don't just LOVE everything about me, that's ok. I don't want someone to crawl up my butt and stay there....sometimes I want someone who will kick my butt and say don't be an asshole. :)

Candace said...

I agree with Kim. That's why we like you so much. I LIKE knowing where I stand with people. Unlike some people, who seem to thrive on the "excitement" of being jerked around by people, I would SO rather know that you didn't like something I did or said.

Write on! And "Say what you need to say" ;-)