Saturday, December 22, 2012

"...avoiding negative interactions.."

My uncle recently updated his status with this. I have a lot to say about it but my brain is sorta fried after a long day so I'll say it tomorrow but I wanted to copy and paste it her while I was thinking about it.

Recently, events in my life have caused me to reflect on what my family really means to me. 
I have a very diverse family that is hard to fit into a description, but the following characteristics qualify the membership.
1. We love one another, unconditionally, with a love that surpasses blood, sex or friendship.
2. We trust one another, unconditionally, with our children, our finances, our secrets, our dreams and goals, our bodies, our hearts and our lives.
3. We respect one another, unconditionally, although we don’t necessarily agree on everything.
4. We support one another, to the point that we would die for another.
5. We help one another in need, although “tough love” is what is necessary at times.
6. We encourage one another, avoiding negative interaction that may damage the family.
7. We honor one another, even in unspoken ways, and do not micro-manage or manipulate others.
8. We pray for one another.

We don’t have to see eye-to-eye on everything, including:
• Education
• Career
• Politics
• Religion
• Marriage
• Life Style
And we don’t put stipulations, in regards to these differences, to gain or maintain membership in the family…and we don’t revoke membership even though some family members may deny themselves the privileges of membership by refusing to allow the family to provide all eight qualifiers. Even if, by their actions, we are not allowed to trust, respect, support, help, encourage or honor a member, we can still love them and pray for them.

This is my family. Is this yours?
I thank God for mine."

My first problem is with the phrase 'qualify the membership'. UH, family is family. This isn't a club, no membership required. There are no 'qualifiers'. You just are. #6 is where I have a serious parting of the ways.."avoiding negative interaction that may damage the family". I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit on that on SOO many levels. The key word that jumps out to me in that phrase is "avoid" because that's what they do. They wear little blinders and only see the happy. They refuse to listen to any problem you might have with them because that would be a "negative interaction" *huge eye roll*

....more later. 

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