Monday, June 25, 2012


Once again I feel the need to blog at what is probably not the best time. I'm so tired tonight and honestly just not having the best day. I'm lonely. Sometimes I need an adult to talk to and Foy is gone so much now with Summer. They get busier then. I want to take trips but not by myself. :( I'm gonna wind up going to Texas earlier than planned if this keeps up. I can't be down in the dumps. It's just not me.

Someone I was trying to make new friends with...we're just not clicking so I'm kinda bummed about that. And a another new person who showed interest in being my friend is not answering emails. She emails me back like once a month, lol. She must have lots of friends or she's way busy...and she's a SAHM with one kid. I really wanted to talk to her because she cloth diapers. I need NEED someone to talk about my addiction with. I talked the hair dressers ear off the other day about cloth diapers. I'm pretty sure between that and my explaining hippy deodorant and asking her about no poo she thinks I'm bonkers.

I probably am.


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