Sunday, June 10, 2012

I miss you.

I miss my friends. Especially the ones I could talk boobs, intact questions, baby wearing (I cannot seem to get down bfing in one..I think it's the huge boobs. And I don't know why he doesn't like the Moby and I need to watch some videos on the ring sling cuz we need help with that one)  and fluff butts with...and I'm considering Mama cloth (I never NEVER thought I would go there but I think once you do the cd thing then it's not such a huge step to think of doing other reusable things. Not that I need that yet. Bfing seems to be keeping it at bay.) and unpaper towels. And hyena cart.

My kids miss their friends. Just when I think they've forgotten I'll see some letter they wrote to them or some way they included them in something they were an imaginary way of course. Kylie signed their names to her year book.

I don't know if we can be friends again and I don't know how to ask. I'm afraid of rejection. I don't really wanna open up old wounds and revisit any of that..not in a negative way anyways..maybe in a healing way.

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