Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I had a bitch on my mind. I was gonna post in my due date group online...actually I was gonna comment, "That's stupid. Your body was made for your baby." and then decided that calling people stupid was probably just my hormones talking but SERIOUSLY! She was going to ask to be induced or have her membranes stripped because she was '37 weeks and can't take it anymore'. Fuck. Stupid bitch. She isn't ready, let alone is her baby ready cuz DUH if her baby was ready she'd be going into labor. And then says, "I hope it's not too big to come naturally.". Another dumbass thing to say. Your body was made for you baby. That is never a plausible excuse..ok, maybe NEVER but extremely rare. "I don't dilate" is another fucking excuse for a bogus c/s that if I have to hear it again I might blow my top. Or "I'm 36 weeks and 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced...could be any day now!". No you stupid bitch, you can be 6 cm dilated and 75% effaced and still be weeks from labor. That is no tell for when your going into labor. I swear I'm gonna have to stay off there before I go off. And these women who are 37 weeks and begging to be induced. Man up, bitches! Oh, and elective c/s bitch. Those two words don't belong together and your STUPID. Who elects for major surgery because they are scared of labor and think it's better for the baby? Dumbass bitch, that's who. SHIT, I'm sick of ignorance. I can't take anymore. EVERYONE says elective c/s is a bad idea and she's still insisting and acting like people are 'judging' her. Well, don't' ask peoples opinion unless you want it and when 99.9% of people say it's a bad idea...your fucking ass should shut the fuck up and listen. Ok, I'm done.

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