Saturday, March 3, 2012

Breech Birth. Fun Day. Positive Affirmations.

He has been doing flips and hasn't really settled head down which has been causing me some anxiety. I don't want a c/s (or a hospital birth) and I did get my mw to agree that if we try everything and he's still breech that she would PROBABLY attempt a breech delivery with me because I have a wide pelvis and have birthed 3 other children. This really made me happy BUT if I go off the feeling I have right now he is definitely head down. I call it "the heavy crotch feeling", haha. I feel like I need to squeeze my legs together or he might slip out. I feel SERIOUS pressure on my vagina (hey, this is my don't like my TMI get off!). I feel swollen and like I've been kicked in the crotch a couple of times. This isn't a very unpleasant feeling on one hand but if it means he's dropped into a head down position then I totally welcome it. Sneak a Peek U/S scheduled for Thursday so we'll see if he's head down  yet.....the one we had two weeks ago he was still head up and not in a good position for pics. I wanna get some nice shots of his little face....and Foy wants some more nice shots of his little hiney..just to be sure and all. I swear that man won't believe he's a boy until he comes out with boy parts. :)

I had a good day. We went to a great birthday and played afterwards. And now the hubs is headed home and stopping off to pick us up a movie. :) I think we'll order some pizza or pasta for dinner and have a relaxing evening. I guess I also feel good because I posted my FIRST belly pic today where other people could see it and people were very nice and complimentary. I guess I feel like such a beached whale right now that it was a  good ego boost. Lord knows I could use it right now. I don't know many women who couldn't use a boost in her last trimester.

Someone also asked me about a baby shower which was very SWEET. I don't really need anything but I had this idea that I was gonna tell someone if they asked me if I needed anything that what I'd really like is all the women who want to can write me out some positive affirmations on paper, poster board, cardboard or something nicer and decorate it and I'll put them up on my walls and be able to read them while I'm in labor. It can be funny affirmations like "My cervix is stretchy and my baby is squishy" or inspiring or something that they found good for themselves while in labor or approaching labor. It will be like being surrounded by friends who are cheering me on. That's how I'm picturing it anyways. Silly probably...huh. But I thought it was better than presents. I can live without presents. :)

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