Wednesday, June 6, 2018

"Don't fool yourself the passion never gets lost..."

“Don’t fool yourself the passion never gets lost for those who live the passion.”
                                        -Pier Paolo Pasolini

I met a guy on Tinder who is in Rome and he had a pic of a mural of Pier Paolo Pasolini and a quote. This is the quote translated. I don't know much about this guy from Tinder. He lives in San Diego but he's from Rome. He's been in the US since 1993. He teaches the NOT dreadful political science which he says is Machiavelli, Rousseau, Marx, and Trotsky. He says dreadful political science is voting polls in Wyoming. Then we bonded over the fact he got a 300$ ticket in Wyoming (because he drives like an Italian) and I lived there for 9 years. It was a great convo that flew by in seconds... and I haven't heard from him since. That makes me sad. I've been thinking about him ever since. 

For him it could have been nothing. Maybe a blurb in a day and he's barely thought of it since but in my free moments (which have been few) I have thought of him. It was that kind of convo that leaves you with warm feelings. You pull it back up and read it again just to remember how easy it flowed, how you smiled, how you glowed, how it feels to be perfectly in sync with someone like your minds are moving at the same pace. They delight you with their responses and how their mind works. 
Is all this too much to ask for in my person?

Isn't it silly to see this much in one convo...? 
Or maybe it's not.
Maybe I live the passion.

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