Friday, July 20, 2012

Teaching the Kids about Green

We went to the park the other day and Kylie met a new friend. No surprise there. She is by far the friendliest of us all. She brought the girl over to meet her brother and then started expounding on the benefits of cloth diapers. A couple of my friends were in ear shot and started laughing. I'm raisin' her up right. :) She is a big advocate of recycling and reusing. She is concerned for the earth and I support and encourage that. I would love to do more encourage her and my new interest in living more simply, more organic. I would LOVE to move to Foy's parents land soon so we can build our house but most of all because of all the land and space. I want a chicken coop so bad I can taste it, lol. I want fresh eggs and I want to learn how to kill and cut up a chicken for dinner. I want to raise a few cows so I can eat my own meat..that I know what they've eaten and how they've been treated. I want Kylie to be in 4-H so we can foster her love of animals even more and she can raise any animal she would like. I have promised her a pet on her next birthday....a pet of some kind that is. She has went between fish and a rodent. She is a good girl and I think she deserves it. Maybe we'll surprise the kids on this vaca and get them a pet before we come home...that's an idea. I'm a big fan of not just doing special things on special days but sprinkling your life generously with days like this. Life is short.

I have gone completely crunchy. I don't even recognize myself. I have gone no 'poo. Not loving it yet but they assure me I will. I am buying aluminum free deodorant and looking for organic soaps. I am trying to cook healthier and buy organic fruits and veggies. It's an ongoing process. I have also started getting rid of all plastic in the house. Especially old plastic that may contain BPA. Foy thinks I'm fairly nuts but that's not anything new.

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