Saturday, July 21, 2012

More Organic Living, SLC, Squishy Fluff Baby

I'm also recently obsessed with essential oils, natural cleaners and making my own detergents. I made some cloth diaper detergent but I'm not sold on it. Time will tell. I want to start using it on all our clothes as well.

I think my hair has detoxed almost a week and I'm dyyyyying. It's so oily. I have 'washed' it with water and combed it but it's a real drag to say the least. I'm gonna keep on keeping on though. I'm gonna treat it like breastfeeding. At first it's gonna suck but then it's gonna be so much better and easier. Hopefully it will start to even out soon OR I'm not gonna be able to handle it anymore and the baking soda/apple cider vinegar is going on it. Once I get my hair figured out then the kids are gonna start it. I don't wash their hair much anyways but no more shampoo/conditioner for them.

I'm excited for Salt Lake next week. We have so much stuff planned. It's keeping my mind off Ezra's appt. I'm actually anxious for that as well because this waiting is the worst part. I need to 'work' to feel like I'm doing something to help or else move past it.

I really like my new friend a lot. She posted a pic of her son holding Sophie (the giraffe) and I said I wanted to get one soon for Ezra. It had been on my list of things I wanted but kept getting pushed back as not a NECESSITY. She said no, no, no that Anderson had 3 of them and I should just take one of his. SINCE (as well all know) I have issues accepting things from people I am going to accept it graciously (she will have no idea how hard that is for me, haha) BUT I have already found a way to 'pay' her back. I knew she wanted to get him an amber necklace so I've picked out one that one of my WAHM online friends is making and I'll give her that. I hope she likes it.

I like to buy things for people and have a hard time accepting things. I won't apologize or feel bad...that's just me. I especially like children and love to buy for them. I love how honest they are.

I am going to sprinkle this post with babies and fluff and fluffy babies, well baby.

Ninja Vanish (3 lil Birds in the City cover, he has a prefold trifolded inside)
 Kawaii Baby
 ANIMAL (he has socks to match this that don't fit him yet)
 Biohazad alert!
front of animal

This last pic was just yesterday. I do love my sugar man baby. 

You've just been eye balling his head, right? I know. It doesn't look too off or at least I don't think so and at least not yet. Try not to stare too much at his head and just notice the all over cuteness. He's fluffy and sweet. <3

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