Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cloth Diapering

I have 3 children. I haven't cloth diapered any of them. Not because I didn't want to but because I didn't know it was a REAL option. I thought cloth diapering was those prefolds that your Grandma used and diaper pins. I had no idea how much it had evolved and how very real the option was. Now with my 4th I'm determined to make it happen. I probably would be a lot more scared but I have a couple of friends that cloth diaper and I hope they can help guide me through the stinkies and smellies of cloth diapering. Like what detergent to use and so on and so forth.

I'm not doing it to save money (though it's suppose to easily save 2000 dollars throughout the kids diapering life). I'm not doing it to be GREEN (though it is and the more I think about it the more I am excited about it being a GREENer option. Disposable diapers supposedly live in a landfill for hundreds of years). I'm not doing it because it's healthier (though with all the chemicals they use to make disposable diapers and leave in them, it is). I'm not doing it because it's cute and convenient (though they have the CUTEST freaking prints and options out there and I read that when you run out of diapers it's not having to run out to the store but simply wash a load of clothes).  I'm doing it for a little bit of all of these. ;)

I went to cloth diapering websites and was almost turned off the idea. There are never more 'holier than thou' people than cloth diapering Momma's and I ain't even gonna soften that blow for them. And all the slang and shortening of words just makes them sound so know-it-all and annoying as shit and makes me hate them. There. Yes, I hate them. And all the shit they talk about people who don't cloth diaper. So pushy and annoying.

I first got interested by just seeing my friend use them. She didn't tell me I should or buy me some or anything. She just did front of me. I am probably a bit like a 2-year -old cuz if you push something down my throat I'm gonna rebel like crazy. I won't do it even if I do see all the advantages just because you want me to. I will purposely not do it just to piss you off. BUT she handled me the right way and now I'm interested. I already bought my first ones in fact...cuz I'm so excited about it.

This is a Bumgenius, a Grovia AIO (all in one) and a Thirsties cover with a Kissaluvs fitted diaper. I ordered this fantastic book which has been so helpful to get past all the B.S. (bullshit ;) and find out real answers. I also ordered extra hemp inserts for the fun of it. I'm excited to try all these things and I'm enjoying looking at them and playing with them. This is the first purchase I've made for the new baby also. :) Makes it seem more real. Tomorrow: 11 weeks. Time can't go by quick enough!

What cloth diapering advocates need to do is just change their public. Answer questions WHEN ASKED. And try to educate people in a friendly way instead of an asshole way. I wish I had been educated about my options with my first instead of my 4th. Give people the info but then they are still free to choose. Information would be key though. That's all my saying.

I guess I should say what differs me from a 2-year-old ;) is that if something is a good idea and it was your idea first...I'm not afraid to try it or say so. I'm just not gonna cloth diaper cuz someone did it before me. That's stupid. I think people say.."Oh, she just does it cuz she saw someone else do it.". Yes, maybe so but if I see you jump off a high me, I won't follow. If I see you doing something smart and I'd like to try it then yeah, I'm gonna try it too. Not doing it would make me stupid. If I do things only because other people did them then that makes me stupid but if I DON'T do them because other people did them then doesn't that make me stupid too? I'm still letting someone else govern my choices...wether they are governing them into the 'do' pile or the 'do not do' pile. I wanna decide for myself...either way.

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