Tuesday, March 23, 2010

ME..Well, I'm FAT and HAPPY! You?

People go around looking for happiness like it's gonna be found in a department store or a certain house or a job or that dress you been wanting ... happiness is not something found on the outside. It's something within yourself...it's a way of looking at the circumstances around you and finding the best in them...it's realizing all the things that are free that bring you happiness...parks, playgrounds, museums, friends, flowers, sunny skies, pretty days, your kids (not that they are free but you know what I mean)...That reminds me of something I read on one of my friends page ...something along the lines of 'if your better than me then congratulations.' WELL, you may call it conceited but I absolutely refuse to believe that anyone is BETTER than me. People are different than me but they are no better than me. Some ppl may have more money or better acting kids or a bigger house or a better attitude or nicer clothes or a bigger car (I could go on..) BUT NO ONE is better than me. I would never say that..I believe that I am all that I could be and ...while I'm on the subject I'm so SICK of apologizing for my cheerful attitude or acting like I've done something wrong because I'm so positive. You know if your unhappy with my happiness ...well, screw you. Get use to me because I'm not gonna change anytime soon. I spent the large majority of my life being unhappy. Unhappy because I was forced through my upbringing to be someone I wasn't..to dress like someone I wasn't. I was judged solely on things that I couldn't change...the way I had to dress or wear my hair. I spent the large part of my life trying to be the someone else that somebody wanted me to be...to be what other people needed AND only since I met, married my husband and struck out on my own have I found and realized that I LOVE me and I'm not gonna apologize for that. So I'm not being what anyone else needs me to be anymore..I'm being myself. I finally found out what I want, who I am and I'm not putting that away because someone doesn't like it. I genuinely like myself and if you don't like me then..I'm sorry. It took me this long to find myself and NO ONE IS GONNA MAKE ME PUT THAT AWAY AGAIN. Your not gonna make me hide my sunshine..hide the parts of me that make me unique. I lived in that tyranny one time and once you've found your way out..ain't nobody sticking you back in a corner.
We were at Moms Nite In one night and several girls were discussing the workout videos they were using and someone turned to me and ask which one I used and I said..I don't use one. I'm fat and HAPPY. It's like ppl look at me and think I'm wrong because I'm ok with my weight. Or because I don't hate myself or I'm not trying to be your idea of what's perfect. I'm ME...I'm happy with myself and I'm sorry if that bugs you. All I can say is get happy with me. Quit letting someone else tell you how you should look, or how your house should look or your kids or your hair...Don't let them tell you what car you should drive or how much makeup you should wear or what brand..all that matters is if your happy with yourself and then I promise..it sounds SO cliche but it's true..everything else will fall in place.

1 comment:

Candace said...

ABSOLUTELY! You know, I am fatter than I have ever been, and I am happier than I have ever been, more self aware than I have ever been, and more in control of myself than I have ever been. And you have no idea how much of an example to me you are!