Friday, March 19, 2010

Childhood: Seize it!

Kylie has failed two hearing test at school and we have an appt. with an audiologist on Tuesday.

Sometimes I think I may be the meanest person in the world and other times I feel like a tiny bit of putty or a rubber ball being kicked around or like a leaf being blown by the wind...I feel delicate and soft and like I will break. I mostly feel this way when it comes to my children.

It started me thinking (the phone call from the nurse) about diseases and cancers that effect very VERY awful is that. One of the most beautiful gifts we've ever been given and how must that feel as a parent. When something is WRONG with my child I want it to be something I can fix..something I can medicate, give her my lung, heck I'd give her my heart but what about those times when you cant DO anything. That's got to be the God awfulest feeling in the whole wide world. I can imagine at times like that is when I would hold solid to my belief in God because what else could you I write this I say a prayer for all the children out there...for the lost, the lonely, the ones going to bed on an empty tummy or with a need of any kind...NO CHILD should have anything but the happiest childhood full of wonderful memories. Childhood (as I am fond of saying) is for laughter and light and fun and hugs and candy...childhood is fleeting and we must seize it and make the most of it..for them.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Now I'm snotting... thanks a lot. ;-) No seriously. You're so right... on Everything you said. I hate that feeling that something might be wronfg with my Babies that I couldn't fix. And As tough on them as I may seem sometimes, I don't wish a single day of their childhood away. I don't look forward to a silent empty house at ALL!