Monday, September 8, 2008

Saying Goodbye to Privacy Pt.4

So it's time to epidural is working. Thank God! They ask my husband if he would like to hold my leg. He touches it as if he's afraid I'm going to bite him. I guess I can't blame him for that ..ya know, considering how cheery my disposition has NOT been I guess he had valid concerns --he might have been genuinely concerned that I was going to bite. ;-) I say "your not doing it right, just let me" and grab my leg and pull it as far towards me as possbile with my leg bent at the knee. They tell me when to push and I do. They say don't scream it takes away from your ability to push harder. I mean, who the hell are they telling a pregnant woman that screaming isn't good for her pushing! After a couple pushes he says that he needs to cut to allow more room for the baby and make a cut...he pretty much ask my consent and I give it. It went more like "anything, whatever, whatever helps this go faster"...something along those lines. At one point he says the head is out and would "they" like to see it. So my husband and my mom leave my head where they've been stationed and everyone goes to gawk at my vagina with the baby head sticking out of it! I mean, seriously! I want to yell! Me, this woman here with the baby head sticking out of her vagina would like some attention PLEASE! A couple more good pushes (with the help of a nurse pushing on my stomach--what's that about?!?) and she's out! I'm ashamed to say I could only hold her sec. I was flat on my back and very uncomfortable. I handed her off to her Dad after a minute or two. Then he handed her to my mom and then Dad gets her again. Meanwhile, the doc is sewing me up. Apparently I receive quite a few stitches and it's taking awhile. My legs are still in the air. He says "I'm almost done just want to make sure I got everything sewed up here" and I say "Just make sure you don't sew anything up that shouldn't be" They all laugh but I'm not laughing. I'm refering to the fact that I can fill his finger in my butt. I mean seriously in my butt. He was just making sure he wasn't sewing anything up that shouldn't be I guess. Glad that all turned out In the meantime my hubby gets impatient and wants to show the baby to his parents in the hall so he opens the door up and they try to stick their head in and I'm like NO NO don't come in. Thankfully the nurse enforced what I said and managed to keep everyone out for a few more minutes while I got cleaned up and then she let the flood in....

I'm a Mom.

I'm going to finish my story in one final blog because I have some overall thoughts about my pregnancy and labor that I would like to touch on so adeiu for now!

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