Friday, May 18, 2012

Thank God for Boobies!

I haven't posted in a while. Mainly because my Mother and brothers have been here for a month A MOOOONTH and just left Tuesday and I finally got the computer away from her. She is SO addicted to Farmville. I'm not even joking!!! It's horrible. She spends like every waking minute on here (the computer) when she's not washing clothes or going somewhere. UUUUUGH.

I love her. Inexplicably, I do. She is irritating and crazy and abusive and insane and stubborn and mean and stupid. I am worried for Cash. He isn't getting schooled. He's 14 and basically on a 4th grade level in school. She spends the whole day on Farmville (by her own admission) and doesn't school him or Caden. She should send them to school but it would do no good for me to interfere. I would just be excommunicated and nothing would change. Then I wouldn't even be there for the little bit I can help them with other things. I try to show them 'normal' when she's so far from normal. Especially Cash. Caden has his Dad. He gets some normalcy there. I can't think about it much because it makes me crazy and sad and I.....I just can't linger on the problem.

On to my particular life, Ezra was 6 weeks on Tuesday. He's so precious.

*breastfeeding break*......and *again*.....and *again*

Haha, yep that's pretty much how my day goes. I don't mind usually. I occasionally get touched out. Actually the other day I was feeling that way...well, actually it was right around his 3 week mark (which I'm sure was a growth spurt) and then I saw this commercial on tv about formula. It showed this nice lady in her white lab coat formulating the best formula for your baby and I thought...NOPE, that's ok. I MAKE MILK! And it's not from a lab or artificial. It's the real deal. I feel good that's he's all fat and healthy and is EBF (exclusively breast fed...for those not up on the lingo).

breastfeeding break...and again..and I give up and will finish this blog later.

Ok, a day later and I'm back.

I am thankful to be breastfeeding. It's going well.  I get frustrated when I want to help people be successful at bfing. Foy and I have a friend (male) whose wife just had a baby. I don't know her well but we know him. Foy was talking to him and they are supplementing with a week old baby (formula and some pumped breast milk) and feeding her a bottle. That's the slippery slope that will lead to failure and I want to say something but feel it isn't my place and I don't want to be pushy but it's so frustrating.

We are also working on cloth diapering full time. Right now we are on days and disposables at night (or as Foy calls them "the fake diapers"), haha. I ordered 3 more diapers (a Happy Hieney's and Kawaii that I've never tried and my fav dipe Fuzzibunz) and when we get those then maybe we can move to full time. BUT 3 of my diapers aren't going to fit soon. I have two lil joey's that are newborn size and a small Bottom Bumper. If I can convince  Roxie to cloth diaper then I will give them to her. They have been some of my fav. I am establishing favs. I like pockets. So much for thinking I was gonna love AIO's. Oopsy. I like the Fuzzibunz a lot and the minky inserts are my fav. They soak up well and clean up beautifully. The AIO's are a pain in my ass. They will NOT dry and they stain worse. The pockets clean up nicely. I ordered some RLR and hopefully that will help with stains. Not that any of them are too bad. Plus I heard sunning them helps with the stains and I had Foy set up me up a clothes line in the sun yesterday so on wash day (tomorrow) I'm gonna put them on there. It will be good for them and give them a break from the dryer. Bad dryer.

I am learning and fixing mistakes. It feels good.

I am becoming such an online person, haha. I belong to some groups that I would have never made it without. The online breastfeeding group has been so supportive, helpful and informative. Mad props to them in the absence of a La Leche league. I so wish we had one here. Also the cloth diapering group has been so helpful filling in the blanks on my self educating myself about cloth diapers. They are currently helping me with Hyena Cart/ Congos on there. And my due date group. They have been supportive and company to me...even if just online. They are where I could take my overflow of baby talk when FB didn't wanna hear it. And now they get all the pics and baby obsession that's going on now so I can spare FB most of it. I LOVE posting bfing pics in my breastfeeding group. It's so nice to not be ashamed. I'm adept at NIP with a cover and I hope to soon be good at it without one. It's nice to have them to vent to.

I will share one of my bfing pics. Because this is my blog and I do what I want on it. :)

I love this pic. I say he's saying a little prayer...THANK GOD FOR BOOBIES! :D

Life is good. My husband is fantastic. The older children love Ezra and he is a joy.

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