Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sizing charts to help me hide my size, NO THANK YOU.

So I bought some new clothes via Maurices. I REALLY like their clothes and was excited to find out that they sold plus sizes. I really hate that term by the way. It's like when Kylie's preschool termed her 'typical'. Well, my size should just be MY size and not plus. What's up with that? And there is nothing typical about my Kylie-bug. She's extraordinary in EVERY way (why am I writing in caps so much?). Anyways, but instead of actually listing the size in the clothes they have a sizing chart that corresponds to a number. So if you look in my clothes then I wear a size 2, lmao. I mean like I don't know I'm overweight or I should be ashamed of the size of my clothes. Their 'regular' size clothes are special sizing charts for them. It's such BS. Look, I'm not ashamed of the size clothes I wear and something about them doing this makes me feel like I should be. I just found it slightly annoying. That's all I wanted to ANNOYED me.

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